Learning Environment Initiatives

2024 OPRL Initiatives

  • Upgraded reporting portal

    The new reporting portal allows reporters to remain anonymous but still allows communication between the OPRL and the reporter when needed. This allows reporters to receive feedback about what was done with their report.

  • Improved visibility of the accolades

    Now included in SMHS Town Hall meetings, the screens in Ross Hall and the GW Hospital Weekly

  • Social Media Initiative

    Created infographics and a self-paced module with the Center for Faculty Excellence for education around professional interactions on social media

  • Psychological Safety Initiative

    As one important step in prevention, all SMHS faculty will be required to complete online, asynchronous training in “Creating Psychological Safety” as part of their annual review process in the Spring of 2025

  • Workshops on Creating a Positive Learning Environment

    OPRL workshop presented to affiliate sites and additional departments at GW this year

  • Language Equity in the Learning Environment

    Members of the Committee on the Learning Environment and other volunteers are working to improve language equity for learners and patients by emphasizing appropriate use of interpreters in the clinical setting